In between an angry scuffle between the Indian Medical Association (IMA) and Ramdev’s “allopathy killed lakhs” comment, Patanjali chairman and Ramdev’s associate Balkrishna said that Christianity turned everyone against yoga and Ayurveda”.
Balkrishna’s tweet
In defense, of Ramdev’s allopathic medicines comment, Patanjali chairman Balkrishna tweeted on Tuesday to say there was “a conspiracy to convert the entire country to Christianity and turn them against yoga and Ayurveda”.
“As part of the conspiracy to convert the entire country into #Christianity, #Yoga and #Ayurveda are being maligned by targeting @yogrishiramdevjee. Countrymen, wake up now from the deep slumber otherwise the generations to come will not forgive you,” Balkrishna tweeted, attaching a clip from a website that had the photo of IMA president Dr. JA Jayalal. His tagline asked: “Doctor or pastor”.
पूरे देश को #Christianity में convert करने के षड्यंत्र के तहत, @yogrishiramdev जी को target करके #योग एवं #आयुर्वेद को बदनाम किया जा रहा है। देशवासियों, अब तो गहरी नींद से जागो🙏 नहीं तो आने वाली पीढ़ियां तुम्हें माफ नहीं करेंगी। pic.twitter.com/XADqXiGJIT
— Acharya Balkrishna (@Ach_Balkrishna) May 24, 2021
Also, Balkrishna continued to tweet a series of screenshots of articles to support the conspiracy theory.
Doctors reaction
Reacting to this tweet a senior Doctor, Dr. Jayalal told sources, “You can notice how these people react to some serious issues. My duty is clear. I have never done or been appointed to do anything with religion in understanding. You can go to the websites and see the articles on how they are bending it. IMA remains a secular and apolitical organization.”
A few days ago, Ramdev was heard saying that “allopathy is such a shallow and bankrupt (Diwalia) science.
“The IMA, whose various treatments for Covid like chloroquine, Remdesivir, antibiotics, steroids, and now even plasma therapy have failed and cost the lives of patients. During this pandemic, lakhs of people have died because of these allopathic medicines. Their number is far greater than those who died due to unavailability of oxygen.”
#LalaRamdev should be arrested. #RamdevBaba https://t.co/PQBip6gdkY pic.twitter.com/zk6XLbYFBz
— 𝕽𝖚𝖕𝖆𝖐.✋ (@rupak_tripura) May 24, 2021
Jayalal’s predecessor, former president of IMA Dr. Rajan Sharma, said, “Ramdev and his entire group had leaned to the lowest level. How do doctors react to this? Both Ramdev and Balkrishna were admitted at AIIMS when they caught Covid-19. How narrow-minded they are towards the people who treated them. All I can say is that they have leaned low by making it a religious issue,” he said.
Later Ramdev apologized for his comments after health minister Harsh Vardhan intervened to say such remarkably damaging comments can break the morale of health workers.