Light a Lamp Challenge Initiated by Narendra Modi

We are about a halfway through a 21-day national lockdown and now a nine-minute blackout has been called by our prime minister on this Sunday dated April 5, 2020. Our honorable prime minister has urged people to lit candles, Diyas and mobile torchlights to portray solidarity and also to reiterate a resolution to beat back the challenge posed by the COVID -19 pandemic collectively.

The third video “we-are-in-this-together” video message of our PM on 3rd April 2020, focussed to keep the common man morale up. His emphasis was on collective action and urging the public to stay the course.


Light a Lamp Challenge Initiated by Narendra Modi (Watch Video)


We all are kind of desperate like in how to fight this but it is his strong feeling that though we all are at home getting assailed by this desperate thought, we are still not alone; we, the strength of 130 crore Indians are with each one of us. Despite the darkness spread by this corona pandemic, we must strengthen ourselves and push the hope to overcome this darkness and move towards the light. Along with self thrust, it’s also a role of humanity to strive continuously to take those affected from despair to hope and from uncertainty to certainty.

Adding to above, his message also addresses how important it is to continue to stay collectively in this long fight as already witnessed during the massive response to his call for solidarity for doctors, paramedics, and others on the front line on March 22, 2020.

The major concern of our PM also includes that action of spreading the power of light should happen within the line of social distancing which he terms that to be ‘ Lakshman Rekha’ and this whole process of staying at home is the only ‘Ram Baana(ram arrow)’ to break out this corona pandemic.

The social distancing norms have to be observed under every circumstance as it’s the perfect and only option to eradicate this virus. In this regard carry the action of lighting the lamp, Diyas, mobile torchlights in your respective corridor, balconies, at doors for nine whole minutes. And this call is for all of us to challenge the darkness spread by the corona crisis, introducing this COVID -19 to the power of the light. Let us all awaken the superpower of 130 crore Indians to take this resolve to much greater heights.


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