Around 450 Kids Under 15 Already Have Covid-19 In Haveri

Health experts now believe the new variant of the novel coronavirus will affect children in the third wave. And already 400 cases have been recorded in the second wave.

Kids test positive for Covid

According to a report, a total of 150 children, aged below 10, and over 300 children aged below 15 have tested positive in the last two months. The second wave has brought a severe threat to children, posing a challenge for the health department.

“The pediatric Covid has already taken damage in the second wave. The number of infected children could be higher. In the second wave, the pandemic has grown severely to the population, and children are easily affected because they are not keeping social distance and not wearing masks,” said r. PR Havanur, district surgeon and pediatrician.


Credits: thenewsminute

But the good thing is children are recovering quickly because they have a healthy immune system.

3rd wave

“Many children are affected after making close contacts. Surprisingly, parents are not going for an RT-PCR test for their children even if they show symptoms due to fear. It’s not a good sign. Parents should be very cautious about pediatric covid as the kids may spread the infection to them as well as other elderly persons,” said Dr. Vilas Hiregoudar.


Credits: Indiatoday

“It is to be noted that in the first wave, very few children had contracted the virus. But in the second wave, the virus is spreading rapidly in both urban and rural areas as schools were reopened for some days. More than 300 children have tested positive in the last two months in the district,” said Dr. Jayanand, the district health officer in charge.

It will be better if parents see to that their children wear masks and maintain social distancing. They should always maintain hygiene, he added.

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