If you are looking for an answer to the question When is the best time to post on Tiktok Videos? We hope you find this Tiny article useful.
Though there are no specific reports available, based on the age group we can arrive at the right time to post Tik Tok Videos.
Most of the Tik Tok Video users are of Young age which is probably between 18 – 34 Years. Most of the people from this age group are School, College Students, and Working Professionals. As the college and office timings are between 9 to 6 pm, We feel any time post 6 pm is ideal to post the TikTok videos. If you are targetting different geographical locations or different country you will have to ensure the time of the respective locations is right.
You can also post during break hours which is typically between 1 pm to 2 pm in most places. It is always to keep an eye on your existing videos and check which time worked well for previous videos.
Hope this helps!